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§         Using the following computer statistical programs: SPSS, Systat, Mystat, Statview, Statistica.


§         Using course authoring software like:  Author Plus, Hot Potatoes.


§         Using translation software such as French Assistant.


§         Using ESL reading, writing, speaking, spelling, vocabulary, speaking software. Using encyclopedia and dictionaries on CD-ROM.


§         Expert on ESL, translation, linguistics, and education sites one the internet.


§         Designing homepages and websites.


§         Searching the following electronic databases: ERIC, AskERIC, MLA, Psycinfo, PsycLit, Dissertation Abstracts, Medline, WebMD, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstract (LLBA), Linguistics Abstracts Online (LABS), Sociological Abstracts, Wilson Web, EconoLit, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Databases, Silverplatter databases, WebSpirs Databases.


§         Using the King Saud University computer registration systems.


§         Using the Microsoft Office programs (Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, Outlook, Frontpageetc.). 


§         Using Macromedia Director 8.


§         Using MGI video wave, scanning software, video capture and producer.


§         Using planners and organizers software.